The World's Most Accurate Personality Map. The Oxford University Map.

Life Academy Experience

The Route to an Extraordinary Life

Discover your talents and strengths and develop a strong, positive self-image.

Design the life and career you want and the route between where you are and where you want to go

Learn the skills of highly effective people and master the art of making it happen

Identify your saboteurs and block everything that stops you from advancing

Recognize your vocation, declare your mission and fulfill your purpose.

Success Doesn't Happen By Chance

Find out how much you are connected to your real identity and how much vital energy and focus you are dedicating to being "Yourself" and developing fully.

Life Academy Programs

Self-development and Performance



Entenda a si mesmo e aprenda a usar as forças da sua personalidade.




Reveal the best version of yourself to the world!




Discover your most powerful weapons for success.




Form and lead high performance teams.



Trace a rota para a vida que tanto deseja.




Master the soft-skills: the art of making it happen.

Can Life Academy Help You?

Tailor-made programs for your Moment!

Take Off in My Current Career

"Estou feliz e realizado mas sei que posso voar mais alto."

I know I can develop, achieve and achieve much more. I need to get to know my strengths and potential better, learn to plan the next steps and prepare for new challenges in my current career or in my own business.

Moving to a New Career

"I know what I want, but I don't know how to move on to the new career."

I am not happy with my work and would like to do something else somewhere else. I know exactly what I want, but I don't know how to make this career transition. I need support to build a path from where I am to where I want to be.

Discover a New Career

"I'm not happy doing what I do and I don't know what I want to do."

I don't like the area, function or company where I work. But I can't say exactly what I want either. I would like to discover new career options and places where I would like to work. I need a method to help me find these answers.

Find a New Job

"I'm looking for a new job, but without much success."

Estou tentando entrar ou retornar ao mercado de trabalho. Já me inscrevi em sites de emprego e distribuí curriculuns, mas sem muito sucesso ou as opções que eu encontro não me satisfazem. Preciso encontrar um caminho alternativo.

New Directions after 45/50

"I would like to find new paths or new challenges."

Ainda há tempo para mim? Sinto que o tempo está passando rápido para mim e gostaria de explorar novas perspectivas e possibilidades para minha vida pessoal e profissional.

Young people in search of a first career

"I'm young and I'm not sure which career to pursue."

I'm graduating, graduating from high school or attending college, but I'm not sure which career to pursue. I need to know my talents and abilities and identify areas of work that best fit my profile.

About Us

A Life Academy foi fundada e é mantida por um time de profissionais, que há 25 anos, ajudam a pensar futuro e planejar o desenvolvimento de centenas de importantes organizações e, principalmente, a orientar e desenvolver as pessoas que tem a missão de tornar esse futuro uma realidade.

More than 150,000 people have gone through its programs.

"Lives Changed Daily."

what they say about us

Renata Ribas

“Eu já trabalhava com o que eu gosto, mas estava sem foco, sem direcionamento, sem perspectiva de crescimento. Com a Life Academy, me conectei comigo mesma, aprendi a trabalhar de forma positiva com as minhas qualidades e entrei no campo de ação com mais garra, mais segurança e superando as minhas expectativas.”

Salvador Neto

“Este programa chegou num momento critico quando fui desligado do meu emprego anterior. Me ajudou a ter segurança do que sei fazer de melhor e a logo me recolocar no mercado. Hoje estou numa nova corporação e muito feliz. Consegui romper barreiras importantes para viver este bom momento profissional.”

Cristiane Louzada

“A Life Academy me fez entender quem eu realmente sou. Me apaixonei de novo por minha vida e minha profissão e dei um salto em eficácia e resultados. Me sinto mais capaz e consigo valorizar cada momento. Entendi que posso ter o controle sobre minha vida. Encontrei minha melhor versão.”

The Handbook for Your First Steps

Make your BIG5 PERSONALITY MAP and get our special book.